Copyright Policy
Our Copyright Policy details the information regarding ownership of our footage, stills and recordings.
Under law, it is the image creator who will own copyright on any images produced. This applies whether the images are still photos, video or thermal images. There are exceptions a) if the image creator is an employee of the company the images are created for, or is an employee of, a company instructed to make the images, the image creator will be acting on behalf of the employer, and the company the image creator works for will own the copyright. b) If there is an agreement that assigns copyright to another party, which is in writing. In all other cases, the image creator will retain the copyright. If the image creator has been paid for work, the payment will be for the image creator’s time and typically an allocated number of prints/digital images. The copyright to the images or digital files will remain with the image creator, and therefore any reproduction without permission would be an infringement of Copyright. It is contrary to the Copyright Act and strictly illegal to copy or to allow being copied, any image, photo, video, thermal image, whether in digital or in hardcopy form (this includes downloading from our web site or those of our agents).
If you commission an image for private and domestic purposes, since 1 August 1989 you generally have the right not to have the image exhibited in public such as by broadcasting or website. Our Terms and Conditions upon which we accepted your booking states that we may use the images taken for display, promotional, sale, competition entry and any other purpose without liability or compensation to the client or image subject. However, if it is your wish that we limit the use of the images or not use them at all, then you need to put this to us in writing immediately and PRIOR to the session taking place. Please note that our pricing is structured with your permission and cooperation to use the images for our own promotion and marketing purposes and therefore, removal of such permission and cooperation may result in an increase to the fees quoted/charged for your session. Clearly, you will be booking our services based on the images you have seen taken by us previously, without this we would not be able to show you our work.
Our Website
All images/articles contained on this website site are subject to Irish Copyright Laws and remain the property of Aerial.ie and Green Graph Adore at all times. No images may be downloaded or screen grabs taken and used without express permission from the Company for any purpose whatsoever. Aerial.ie is not responsible for the content of any external websites to which we may link from our website.